Vote YES on WC-1
Posted by David Hughes on
Voting day is near (November 8) and this is a very important question on the ballot. Here are a few facts that you need to know:
_ 6,200 new students are expected in Washoe County in the next 5 years.
_ Approximately half of the schools currently exceed capacity.
_ Washoe County schools currently use 229 portables. (Portable classrooms detached from the school)
_ The district plans to build 15 new schools (9 Elementary, 3 Middle and 3 High Schools).
_ During the recession, it was proven that the property tax funding method was inadequate. This proposal (tax increase of .54%) is broad based and more resistant to economic uncertainty.
_ Voting yes on WC-1 is more than building new schools & repairing existing ones, it's an…
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