April 4 single game tickets went on sale and they sold out the first game in 30 minutes. There are still some great half and full season packages available. The Reno Aces who is the farm team for the Arizona Diamond backs will open their season on April 17 against the "Salt Lake City Bees". Our Aces are in the Pacific Coast Triple A baseball league and will be facing other opponents such as the Albuquerque Isotopes and the Sacramento River Cats.
I don't know if a lot of people know we have had baseball here since back in the the late 1940's. Link Piazzo, founder of the Sportsmen Sporting good store, did the broadcasting for the " Reno Silver Sox". Back then they played in Moana Stadium which was built in 1946 by Lou Berrum on the old rodeo grounds at Moana Springs. The new $50 million dollar stadium will be just a little different than the old wooden stands that were built back in the 40's.
Take a look at the link for the webcam below and get a live update of the ball park. April 17 at 6:05 will be the start of a new era. As David Puddy would say " Gotta support the team".
Posted by David Hughes on
IMHO, I think too much of a party type atmosphere is developing at Aces games which was foreseeable after their first year. The "cheerleader type girls in hotpants" take away the dignity and "family atmosphere" of the game. We've been to minor league games in several states representing all levels, from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Florida, California to Washington. They all have their pros and cons, their between inning gimicks, but we've never seen stadium personel look like they maybe walking 4th St at high price.
Posted by KrazyKatMan on Friday, August 20th, 2010 at 10:44pmFootball has "cheerleaders."
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