
University of Nevada in Reno has been ranked 181 out of 1600 national colleges.

 U.S News and World report issued it annual "Best Colleges"Rankings today and UNR is again in the top tier of best national universities coming in at 181. The rankings now include a list of the top public schools and we came in at 100. Schools in this category offer a full range of undergraduate majors, masters and doctoral degrees. This years ranking at 181 is up from last year at 191.

Reno has an enrollment of more than 17,000 students and the University is home to the States medical school and one of the country's largest study abroad programs. Its campus size is 255 acres and utilizes a semester based academic calendar. It's in state tuiton is $4,481.00 and out of state is $19,156.

For more information on the University of Nevada-Reno go to:  UNR.edu

For information on homes for sale in the UNR area go to:  Homes-Reno.com



Posted by David Hughes on


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